Monday, December 20, 2010

IniTiaL lEarNinG prograM - FuN aLL thE waY

The start to my professional life was something unforgettable. One of the best couple of months i ever had. I had joy, i had fun and i did all that could have been done.The joining date was in December and me and my friends made our reservations for the 5th so as to reach Trivandrum a day before the training started. We started packing our things and getting all the notarised documents required by the company done. We had one last get together and then the goodbyes to all the people we knew. Finally, the day came and very few of us were actually happy. 

We were first supposed to go to a nearby town as there were no direct trains to Trivandrum from our place. The train to the nearby town was scheduled for 12 o'clock in the afternoon and i reached the station at around 11. The scenes there were amazing, it was like Sallu has reached the station by train and half of the city is there to welcome him. A number of people from my college got selected and most of us got our joining the same date and at the same place. After seeing the girls crying, i thought as if i lack feelings because i was just smiling at everything that was happening and these people were acting as if they were going to Mars. Eventually, the train started and me and my friends started playing cards to pass time. We reached the nearby town and were supposed to wait 3-4 hours for our connecting train to Trivandrum. We all kept our luggage together and a few of us went roaming around the station. Somehow, that time passed and our train arrived. We got to our seats and managed to fit all the luggage around. The journey was going to be for around 2 days and we had nothing else but cards and company to pass time. We spent most of the time playing cards and one incident i remember of was when one elderly guy got fed up of us and scolded us as we were playing cards shouting loudly at 3 am in the morning. We reached god's own
country on time and it really felt like one.

We all were assigned hotels in Trivandrum for our accommodation but heaven knows how, mine and 1 of my friends' got full and we were told to go to the company hostel. It was in the same premises as our office so we were spared of all the travelling. And we got our neighbours as girls from all around the country. It was a special feeling but we did miss the other two guys as they were accommodated in a hotel nearby. We went out to check their rooms and found ours much better in everything.

The next day, we were supposed to reach our office before 9 am but even though we stayed 50 metres from the office, we got late and when we reached there, the auditorium was full and we had to ask for extra chairs to get seated. 

The next few days went as usual, we used to attend our trainings from 9 to 6 and roam around the neighbouring areas after that. Then our performance review tests started and one of the most famous incidents i remember was when we overslept and had to apply for half a day's leave and that too on a test day. The good thing was, our review was scheduled in the second half, so we did not miss anything.

Then coming few days were just about learning new stuff and roaming the nearby tourist hot spots. We went to Kanyakumari, Kovalam, Varkala, Munnar and had a rollicking time there. The most memorable incident from our Munnar trip was when the driver almost got us all killed.

Life in Kerala, with the beaches, the mountains, the people and the weather, is awesome. A place where one would like to settle in forever.

I made quite a few new friends, met people from all around the country and learnt a lot about different cultures. 

In the last few days of our training, we were assigned our base branches, i and a couple of my friends got Chennai. The last day was just about goodbyes and emotions.

Overall, this period was one of the best times of my life.

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