Sunday, February 24, 2008

Why I would like to do Master of Business Administration ?

In the third year of my engineering, I had started thinking seriously about the kind of career I wanted for myself. The first step I took was honestly analyzing my strengths and weaknesses and most importantly my interests. I realised at that time that I was a person inclined to research but still enjoyed visualisation and understanding the BIG picture of the task at hand. I would adopt a modular approach in handling the task at hand and drill down and zoom in on every related aspect in the context. I was not comfortable starting with something that I came across and complete it the way it is expected to be without thinking on the why’s and how’s and if’s of the subject under focus. Hence I concluded that I needed integrating skills in my personality as well as in the work I do. Being an engineer it was easy to find options where I could get involved in the technical aspect of the project without worrying much about the other issues. But this as I just mentioned would not satisfy me. Hence I looked at other options available and came across the concept of MBA.
An MBA course is a hothouse where one is pushed to deliver. One is introduced to fierce competition. The conditions work on one in such a way that either he/she breaks down and leaves the course half way or ends up becoming a tough professional. An MBA programme exposes one to a very wide area of experience in terms of subjects and people. One gets exposed to varied subjects like macroeconomics, consumer behaviour, psychology, marketing, cultural heritage, communication theory, operations research, quantitative techniques, finance, HR, etc. And last but not the least, an MBA course brings together impressionable young men and women and one may just catch his/her soul mate while slogging over case studies. These & many more reasons make me inclined at doing an MBA.